Apple is cashing in on the popularity of its iPhone and iPad to boost demand for its oldest product, the Macintosh. The company announced that its popular app store for the iPhone and the iPad would soon be coming to its laptops. It also launched a revamped MacBook Air at an event at its headquarters.
The computer is seen as a marriage of what Apple has learned from desktop computing and mobile devices. Like the iPad, the Air will have no hard drive and rely on flash memory.
"It's like nothing we've ever created before," said Apple boss Steve Jobs.
"We see these as the next generation of MacBooks. We think all notebooks are going to be like this one day. We've been inspired by some of the work we have done on iOS and want to bring them back to the Mac," said Mr Jobs.Analysts said the laptop sends out a clear signal to the industry.
"This is a strong reminder to everyone out there that Apple is still in the PC business," said Michael Gartenberg, research director with Gartner.
"They are still making a lot of money in the PC business and if anyone thinks they are getting out of that business given the money they are making they are very mistaken."
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